Our Services
Collier Education Consulting LLC strategically plans with districts and schools to develop and provide customized technical assistance and professional development aligned with data and
SMART goals.
Curriculum Alignment & Mapping
Collier Education Consulting LLC (CEC), Kim Collier, and Team has provided training to districts/schools engaging instructional teams in developing standards-aligned units of instruction using the curriculum alignment and mapping process with elementary, middle, and high schools. We have provided professional development to superintendents, central administration, principals, district leadership teams, curriculum specialists, instructional coaches, teachers, paraprofessionals, and student teachers through summer institutes, district professional development days, Professional Learning Communities, teacher common plan times, virtual platforms, and curriculum retreats with instructional teams. CEC has served urban, suburban, and rural districts in Oklahoma and 8 outside states.
Some of the work we have accomplished with our sites/districts include providing training focused on understanding what curriculum and the curriculum mapping process and purpose is (documents the relationship between every component of the curriculum and used as an analysis, communication, and planning tool to stay organized and provide a framework for daily lesson planning), unpacking the standards, provided/created protocols for instructional teams to collaborate in order to develop standard aligned instructional units (learning objectives and criteria for mastery, essential questions, assessments and performance tasks, creating differentiated instructional activities to meet diverse learner needs, and resources/materials, including technology), Understanding by Design (UBD) planning (Wiggins & McTighe, 1998), vertical team talks and vertical alignment (so that teachers can discuss progressions, best practices, and identify gaps), building academic vocabulary alignment (grade level to grade level), creating management systems for curriculum maps, and conducting a 7-Step Review Process to determine effectiveness.
The process we implement when working with Instructional Teams is the following:• Strategic planning with administration and leadership team to create a timeline for
implementation with focus areas (professional development, horizontal and vertical
alignment and team talks, curriculum design and writing, 7 Step Review Process, etc.) and
create a management system for curriculum alignment and mapping• Review the standards to which they will align objectives, assessment items, and curriculum
and identify the most critical learning standards for the grade level/course.• Unpack the standards and identify the specific domain skills for the learning standards by
grade level/course.• Identify essential skills.• Define instructional objectives for each unit and writing end-of-year learning objectives.• Conduct vertical team talks and discuss learning objectives horizontally and vertically.• Finalize end-of-year learning objectives and make any needed changes based on vertical
articulation.• Describe and place mastery criteria to each learning objective, describing the level of
performance a student must achieve to meet the objective.• Scaffold learning objectives so they are sequenced/paced appropriately. • Share the curriculum maps with all school community members with common sets of
learning expectations across grade levels and schools.• Conduct a 7-Step Review Process to ensure effectiveness of curriculum (data collection,
review of all maps by all teachers, small mixed group reviews, large group comparisons,
identification of immediate revision points and creation of a timetable for resolution,
identification of points requiring additional research/planning and timetable for resolution
of those points and planning for the next review cycle).
Establish a team Structure
Leadership Teams
Collier Education Consulting LLC provides technical assistance and training to leadership teams creating strong organizational processes and protocols for improvement using evidence-based practices that can be sustained.
Feedback from our principals/superintendents indicate that creating and guiding a leadership team has helped with coordination and implementation of comprehensive strategic planning, school improvement initiatives, problem-solving, communication and collaboration with colleagues, motivation, professional development, coaching, research-evidenced based practices in curriculum, instruction, assessments, facilitate community involvement in the development of the school improvement plan and create and encourage parent involvement.
We have provided training to principals and/or superintendents, as well as staff members, establishing SMART goals and developing strong leadership teams using evidence-based practices to help members create and understand norms, roles, responsibilities, and perform shared leadership tasks. We also assist districts/schools in incorporating a team structure in Board policy as needed. Leadership team members work to achieve common goals connected to the purpose of learning for all. Focus is on results, conducting implementation and analyzing impact results to monitor effectiveness, develop and pursue measurable improvement goals that are aligned to school, and district goals for learning. Intentional planning is conducted to ensure organization and a calendar is developed for leadership team meetings and collaboration (weekly and/or bi-monthly, or more) with ample time provided for critical conversations and with focus areas aligned with SMART goals and the school improvement plan. All team meetings have a written agenda, guiding questions, focus area(s), minutes recorded, sign-in area for members who are in attendance and documented member names of those who are not present to ensure they receive the information in a timely manner. Systems for management of the team agendas, focus areas, products, and minutes are placed in an online shared folder(s) and/or notebooks and can be shared with any staff member/stakeholder as needed. Additional support and training are provided to principals/superintendents toward shared leadership strategies and distributing leadership to those members with areas of expertise and how to oversee/monitor the work.
Collier Education Consulting LLC also provides leadership teams with professional development/training on data analysis and disaggregation using an inquiry process to help leadership team members use data-driven decision making, frequently monitor school performance data and disaggregated classroom observation data and uses that data to make decisions about school improvement and professional development needs and apply results for improvement. Protocols are created to ensure sustainability.
Data Analysis & Inquiry
Creating Data Systems
Collier Education Consulting LLC assists districts/schools in creating data systems that includes each student’s test scores, benchmark data, state data, placement information, demographic information, attendance, behavior indicators, including Early Warning Systems, and other data supports. Furthermore, training is provided to analyze data for progress monitoring using longitudinal data systems to drive continuous improvement efforts focused on improving achievement.
Our Team has provided data coaching and professional development to improve teaching and student learning and assist teachers during Professional Learning Communities and Teams to understand how to “use” data to drive decision-making and implement evidence-based practices in order to improve and increase student achievement and effective instruction. Data coaching has been provided for leadership teams, instructional teams, Professional Learning Communities, teachers, curriculum specialists, behavior management specialists, instructional specialists, Reading and Math specialists, and principals.
Collier Education Consulting, LLC provides support and technical assistance to build leadership skills with administration and teachers using data systems to collect and use data driven decision making (Data collection and analysis, Data Inquiry and Reflection process, chronic absenteeism, Individual teacher data systems to monitor student growth, individual student data monitoring and goal setting, academic data, behavior data, Early Warning Systems, etc.).We have worked with districts/schools providing training on frequently assessing student learning at several times throughout the year using benchmark assessments and results to determine student mastery of state standards. We assist teachers/teams with creating and analyzing Unit pre-tests and post-tests to guide decision making with curriculum, lesson planning, and identify students in need of intervention (Effective Practices Research Briefs and Evidence Rating, pg. 7, strong).
Teachers and instructional teams use a data reflection and inquiry process to determine student performance, work collaboratively to share instructional practices and differentiated instruction needed, identify weakest to strongest standards, remediation, Response to Intervention (RTI), or reteaching strategies needed.
Collier Education Consulting LLC has provided workshops and job-embedded professional development focused on creating and using formative assessments (Hattie & Timperley, 2007) and Common Formative Assessments, and Performance Based Assessments with leadership teams, teachers (PK-12), principals, superintendents, curriculum specialists, paraprofessionals, and parents. Analyzing Student Work professional development has also been provided to many of our districts/schools. Protocols are shared/created to build sustainability.Additional training has been provided focusing on creating and using formative assessments, analyzing student work, student led conferences, questioning, quizzes, projects, class work, exit tickets, graphic organizers, project –based assessments, student self-reflection rubrics, and student self-assessments.
Collier Education Consulting LLC and Team has provided these services, as evidenced, with our sites/districts implementing school reform and also School Improvement Grants (SIG), Edge Grants, and CIP.
Deliver Sound INstruction in a variety of modes
Effective Classroom Instruction
Collier Education Consulting LLC has provided training focused on effective classroom instruction using a comprehensive instructional delivery process (Rosenshine, 2012) which includes lesson planning and preparation, whole class instruction, small group that is student-directed and independent work, including computer based. Curriculum mapping professional development has been provided to districts/schools with instructional teams and teachers to align standards, curriculum guides, instruction (differentiated), resources, formative assessments, and design curriculum with unit planning that guides instruction for each learner.
Training focused on lesson plan design and integration with curriculum maps has also been provided to many of the districts/schools we have served. Digital tools can be utilized, and computer programs and other technology aligned with curriculum (standards). Lesson plan design using templates (online) and processes are also provided with our services. Teachers receive training and coaching toward understanding components of a lesson plan and how to integrate within a curriculum map. Instructional coaching can be provided for all teachers, especially with entry-year teachers. In addition, whole class or small group practices are modeled and feedback provided with evidence-based practices during coaching debriefing meetings. Teachers are provided differentiated instructional strategies training and modeling to engage learners and meet individual learner needs. Training has also been provided for using higher level questioning, collaborative groupings, and peer interaction, summarizing to build comprehension, small group instruction, including Response to Intervention, providing feedback to students, and using behavioral management strategies reinforcing rules and procedures.
Collier Education Consulting LLC and Team have conducted numerous workshops and professional development on delivery of instruction, creating and designing lesson plans, curriculum maps to align standards and assessments, management systems, creating instructional plans for individual students and action plans (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 students).
Effective Classroom Management & Differentiated Instruction
One of the greatest challenges many teachers face is effectively managing their classrooms. Collier Education Consulting LLC has provided training and coaching with teachers and administrators providing evidence-based strategies with sound classroom management (building capacity to teach and implement clear classroom rules and procedures, manage transitions between activities, use of effective wait time, and sustain a well-organized classroom) during district professional development days, professional learning communities, with leadership teams, in classrooms (PK-12), and during professional retreats with teams and schools.
Implementing differentiated instructional strategies training has also been provided to districts/schools focused on engaging all learners to meet various student learning styles and reduce off-task behavior. We provide instructional coaching in classrooms (PK-12), including working with entry-year, alternatively certified, and emergency certified teachers. Some of the work we have provided districts, sites, teams and teachers are schoolwide behavior management strategic planning with sites and or teams to create safe behavior systems that benefit all, creating school and classroom rules and procedures (PK-12), creating lesson plans with teachers to maximize learning and include a variety of differentiated activities to engage students and promote positive on-task behavior, creating a positive learning environment focused on instruction (Brophy, 2006, p.17), understanding how to manage your classroom (Marzano, Marzano, & Pickering, 2003, Hattie, 2017) promoting a positive learning environment, implementing behavior expectations schoolwide and in classrooms, teaching behavior expectations (daily/frequently) using explicit instruction (Epstein, et al., 2008), implementing effective classroom transition strategies and how to organize learning materials (stations, writing materials, technology/technology devices, extended learning materials focused on standards for students who finish work early, and easy accessibility to materials. We have provided training and/or modeled during coaching sessions using differentiated instructional strategies during whole group and small group instruction. Our team members assist teachers with collecting and analyzing perception and academic data (Redding, 2007,) to determine which learning styles (Dunn and Burke, 2005) and modalities are needed for individual students. Collier Education Consulting LLC, Kim Collier, has provided differentiated instruction and learning styles training to teachers, instructional coaches, and administrators across Oklahoma and outside states.
We also assist educators with growing their own pedagogy using/facilitating professional book studies (PK-12) focused on behavior management improvement and practices so all teachers “grow” their own knowledge with understanding how to reinforce classroom rules and procedures by positive teaching.